
授業コード 受講区分 学科 授業期間 履修年次 単位 担当者
254101   国際英語学科 前期 1・2・3・4 2 P.Houser

Introduction to British Literature.

This course is designed to provide an overview of British literature by historical era in general and representative works and authors in particular and can be expanded to a two-semester course. If appropriate, I sometimes make use of audio-visual material to support course content.

Class #1: Introduction to British historical and literary periods from medieval to post-modern (explanation of the hand-out).
Class #2: Beowulf and the medieval mindset.
Class #3: Geoffery Chaucer. A continuation of the Middle Ages consciousness including concepts of courtesy as seen in the Prologue to the Canturbury Tales, Sir Gwain and the Green Knight.
Class #4: Early Modern I. What is renaissance? A look at events which led to the Reformation.
Class #5: Early Modern II: Hamlet as the pivotal point in the shift from communal to individual psychology and the cultural change in literature. The shift from Elizabethan culture to Jacobean culture.
Class #6: John Milton. Review of political and cultural events which lead to the British Civil War. Paradise Lost. The King James Bible.
Class #7: The Age of Reason. The literary and cultural importance of the Restoration, rationalism, and neoclassicism.
Class #8: Romantics I: The First Wave: Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge. Reaction to rationalism and the exploration of the spirit.
Class #9: Romantics II: The Second Wave: Poetry of Byron, Keats, Shelley.
Class #10: Victorian Age. Characteristics of the Gothic novel are introduced.
Class #11: Modernism. Stream of consciousness.
Class #12: High Modernism. James Joyce, T. S. Eliot, Ezra Pound.
Class #13: Post-Moderism. Cultural events since 1945 including the advent of electronic media and critical theory as an academic subject.
Class #15: Final examination.

Students are graded on two examinations: one to be given unannounced during the semester and another as a final examination during the fifteenth class meeting.

